速報APP / 運動 / Risker - Avalanche and Extreme Sports Sa

Risker - Avalanche and Extreme Sports Sa





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Fuchsröhrenstraße 34/34, 1110, Vienna, Austria

Risker - Avalanche and Extreme Sports Safety App(圖1)-速報App

Risker - app for freerides, mountain bikers and other extreme sports lovers.

Risker will send emergency SMS to your selected contact when your phone does not move for some time.

How does it work?

★ Select emergency contact who will receive SMS with your location.

★ Press START TRACKING before starting dangerous activity.

★ If your phones does not move for some time, SMS will be sent with your last location.

Who is this for?

Risker is designed for extreme sports lovers, solo skiers and snowboarders, freeriders, backcountry skiers and mountain bikers.

Risker - Avalanche and Extreme Sports Safety App(圖2)-速報App

Any extreme sports or dangerous activity that can result in a serious crash will benefit from Risker.

Designed for avalanches

Risker designed for avalanche victims buried under the snow without any possibility to move and call for help.

Created by skiers

No friends on the powder day? Use Risker to alert your emergency contact if something goes wrong and you can no longer move.

Is it free?

Yes, Risker is 100% FREE with no advertisements.

Risk management

Risker - Avalanche and Extreme Sports Safety App(圖3)-速報App

Integrate Risker in your risk management routine as an additional block of protection. SMS from Risker might save your life.

Test before use

Please test the app locally before using in the mountains.

Recommended way of using:

• if possible, close all other running apps.

• once clicked Start Tracking, just turn off the screen.

• use for short time, just before dangerous activity.

Risker - Avalanche and Extreme Sports Safety App(圖4)-速報App

Need support or have a feature request? Send us email at help@risker.app !

❤️ Made in Austrian Alps ❤️

Risker - Avalanche and Extreme Sports Safety App(圖5)-速報App